U-Pick on apples is offered Saturdays and Sundays in September and October. Admission is not required just to pick apples, but you do get a discount!
Please note: Apple varieties do not all ripen at the same time. Ripening times are also subject to weather conditions throughout the growing season and may be early or late. A variety may not do well in a particular year. We may have weekends when we are between varieties. Always check before coming out!
Picking Rules are Below!
- Only pick in the designated area (why would you want to pick apples that don't taste good yet?) Some varieties of apples look ripe well before they are!
- Remember, this is a working farm, not a park. Wear appropriate clothes and shoes for wet grass, rough ground and weeds.
- Don't climb the trees - it could hurt the tree, and you too!
- Don't yank on the limbs; it knocks too many apples to the ground. Carefully choose your apple, twist, and pull gently.
- Pick only into the baskets/bags we provide. You may transfer the apples to your own container after paying.
- Children must be supervised at all times.
- No throwing apples, dumping them on the ground, or abandoning baskets after picking. PICK ONLY THE APPLES YOU INTEND TO KEEP! Failure to follow the rules will result in being asked to leave.
- Treat your apples with care and refrigerate them when you get home for best crunch. Our bags are perfect for keeping apples fresh!
- If you have any questions, just ask the orchard monitor! She/he will be happy to help you!